Teachers Sharing Hateful Statements On Social Media About Assassination Attempt On Trump
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that some teachers feel entitled to share their hate filled social media posts regarding the assassination attempt on former President and current candidate Trump. After all, these young people have gone through a school system and college training programs which have taught them more about their “right” to socially influence their students than how to actually teach. And, goodness knows, they have been fully indoctrinated.
In my career, I taught new teachers in our county. Most of them were idealistic, energetic, wonderful young people who chose teaching as a calling rather than a profession. They wanted to do what was best so their students would learn. Occasionally, in most extreme cases, we would get a knucklehead who wanted to share their weekend party habits with kids or show them X-rated movies (yes, it happened). There were those who wanted to be buddies with their students instead of the adult in the room.
I remember reminding students about appropriate dress and inappropriate language. Most of them figured out the limits. Those that didn’t were usually gone, sometimes by December of the first year they were hired.
Political bias was not normally something we worried about. Most teachers didn’t feel compelled to do share political leanings.
Whether it is a change in teacher education programs or perhaps a teachers’ union message, new teachers are not afraid to say some pretty hateful things on social media these days, particularly if it pertains to a political figure they hate. And, with the attempted assassination of Trump, they all came out in full hatred this weekend. Here are some of their posts:
This teacher is from Galena Elementary School in Kent County, Maryland, yes, Maryland:
His name is Alex and he might want to change that “supporter of humanity and human rights” statement.
Here is a teacher from Semper Elementary School in @JeffcoSchoolsco. : (Colorado)

And then this gem. At least this young lady, after she gets push back, apologizes. Trouble is the internet never goes away but jobs can.

And this lovely gem from a “non-binary” teacher in California. I’m sure she is a kind, inclusive person, right?

This is a professor from Canada ( University of British Columbia), once again showing that this kind of hatred crosses borders:

And this lovely professor from Morgan State University, a school that receives tax money from the State of Maryland. This includes tax money from RACIST REPUBLICANS.

These people are TEACHERS, TEACHING our children in CLASSROOMS in elementary, middle, high schools and colleges. These are just a few examples we found. There are many more.
I really don’t want anyone lecturing us on “unity” and “civility” as long as these hateful people continue to teach our young people. I believe in freedom of speech and one’s right to be classless and stupid, but it is also gratifying to see that some of these people have been fired.
Many thanks to Libs of Tik Tok. If you want to see the most viscous, insane hatred of one man and his supporters, find it on X. There are real estate agents, pharmacists, lab assistants, nurses, and even Fire Chiefs. Be prepared, the hatred will make you ill. Are we losing our humanity?
Jan Greenhawk, Author
Jan Greenhawk is a former teacher and school administrator for over thirty years. She has two grown children and lives with her husband in Maryland. She also spent over twenty-five years coaching/judging gymnastics and coaching women’s softball.
This article was originally featured on the Easton Gazette.