The Delmarva Parent Teacher Coalition has been watching the State of Maryland and some local school districts across Delmarva. Their latest political move is to retaliate against the Trump Administration by using a coordinated disinformation campaign to stoke fear across Maryland and the local communities. They’re implying that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) will be raiding schools in SWAT gear and dragging kids away in front of their peers. That’s the furthest from the truth.
Maryland State superintendent Dr. Carey Wright posted instructions on the Maryland State Department of Education website that frames a federal witch hunt, along with attempted justification as to why everyone, regardless of immigration or legal status, is entitled to remain in society for business as usual.
Lou Taylor, superintendent of Worcester County Public Schools put out a robocall to parents and posted this webpage on the district’s website instructing “immigrants” on how to evade law enforcement when ICE comes to get them at their school or bus stop.
They even use local news media to prop up their claims to sensationally fuel the narrative.
Superintendents of other school systems such as Talbot County Public Schools and Caroline County Public Schools have also done the same. There are other county school districts across Maryland that have put up similar pages, while some districts have remained quiet.

ICE is currently going after illegal aliens that are committing continual acts of crime, who pose a threat to our communities. If there’s a child of a parent that meets that criteria, ICE certainly wouldn’t storm a school or bus stop to traumatize and round up children.

Why would the State of Maryland and county school districts do this?
The reason is twofold. By manufacturing and politically charging an issue that doesn’t exist, they can defiably paint the Trump Administration as the big bad guy, while making themselves a sanctuary savior. It’s a political move. The ultimate reason is they don’t want to lose funding, as they are making a lot of money from illegal immigration. In addition to the standard per-pupil cost they currently receive, they also receive additional funding for ESOL, food services, family outreach services, and other grants above and beyond that of a U.S. citizen. For the teachers’ union, that’s more dues for the required support staff. Illegals are just a commodity to them.
Fellows & Editors
February 2, 2025 – Copyright
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The post Liberal Superintendents Stoke Fear Of ICE Coming To A School Near You appeared first on The Easton Gazette.