Alsobrooks and Van Hollen Show True Allegiance: And It’s Not To Female Athletes
One would think it would be a “no-brainer” for the people of this country to protect women against men in their private spaces and sports. After all, women’s rights have come so far in this country. And yet, the Democrat Senators and Congressmen in D.C. have shown themselves to be misogynists by blocking a law that would keep biological men out of girls’ and women’s spaces and sports.
ALL of the Democrats in the Senate have voted against women’s rights. Yes, that is what I said. The Democrats in the Senate voted against women’s rights. They voted against the rights for girls and women to have private spaces. They voted against girls and women being able to compete fairly against other girls and women.
They voted to let men in women’s sports. And they did it KNOWING that 80% of the country is against that idea. They did it knowing that over 800 girls and women in the United States have been denied their athletic accomplishments by biological men who competed unfairly against them.
I have been involved in girls and women’s sports since I was a child. I was young when Title IX was passed. I remember the excitement about the increase in opportunities for me and other young women to compete in a variety of sports.
A good part of my life has been spent coaching hundreds of female athletes. I know the wonderful effect women’s sports have on our girls and women. I have watched girls gain confidence, skills, and strength through competing with other women. Many, including my own daughter, went on to compete in college where other opportunities were opened for them through not only the education they received but also the lessons they learned from collegiate sports.
And now, misogynists in the U.S. Senate have taken all that away. Our two Senators, Angela Alsobrooks and Chris Van Hollen, both Democrats, exposed themselves by voting against girls and women’s sports and thereby supporting biological men unfairly competing in women’s sports.
I guess it’s to be expected from Van Hollen, since he is a corrupt male politician. But Alsobrooks? SHE’S A WOMAN! You would think she’d understand the harm she is doing. But, as we have found so often, Progressive, Marxist, and Democrat party politics takes place over common sense and decency.
It’s not only in the U.S. Senate where female athletes are losing their right to fair play, but also in the Maryland House of Delegates. One Maryland delegate, Vanessa Atterbeary, hates the equal playing field for women athletes so much that she told fellow Delegate Kathy Szeliga last year, when Szeliga proposed a bill to protect girls and women’s sports, “don’t bring that bill back next year.” This is not unusual for Atterbeary, who is not only against women’s sports but parental rights as well. Here are some articles about Delegate Atterbeary and her fight against bills regarding these topics:
Maryland Legislators Betray Female Athletes – The Easton Gazette
Szeliga DID bring the bill back this year, and Atterbeary decided her committee would debate it, but without “in person” testimony. This is supposedly a new practice created in the Maryland Legislature this year because of the “heavy load” of the legislature. Sure. Szeliga’s bill was HB 0156. It was heard in January. It is currently stuck in committee. However, Senate Bill 0588, Protect Girls’ Sports and Spaces, is being heard March 5th. Here is a link to the committee that bill will be heard by:
Committees – Education, Energy, and the Environment Committee
People cannot submit written testimony today, but can call the offices of Senators Ferguson, Kagan or any of the Senators listed at that link under “membership.” People still have time to flood their offices with calls telling them to protect female athletes.
What is so shocking to many of us is that there seems to be no reason NOT to keep Girls’ and Women’s sports exclusively for girls and women. What do any of these Senators have to gain by constantly voting against women. Perhaps the question is, “Who are they voting for?”
Some have told me that using this issue to get attention from the transgender lobby helps Democrats fundraise from extreme left organizations and lobbyists who pose straw man arguments against keeping women’s sports for women. From an article in THE HILL:
“Bills like these send the message that transgender kids don’t deserve the same opportunities to thrive as their peers simply because of who they are. And they are impossible to enforce without putting all kids at risk of invasive questions or physical examinations just because someone doesn’t look or dress like everyone else,” said Kelley Robinson, president of the Human Rights Campaign, a national LGBTQ civil rights group.
Will young girls be allowed to thrive when their opportunities to compete fairly are gone? I guess the Human Rights Campaign isn’t concerned about that.
Others have posed the strange argument that this bill would create opportunities for “sexual predators” to have access to young athletes. They must think that allowing biological males in girls’ locker rooms is okay and will not give opportunity for violence, sexual molestation and rape. After all, what could go wrong? Perhaps they have not heard about these incidents:
Young girl is raped in school bathroom by transgender peer – Washington Examiner
Trans student exposed girls to male genitalia in school locker room, legal group claims
Sex offender who identifies as transgender exposes himself to kids again at Va. school
These are just a few examples of this violence perpetrated by trans “predators” against women and girls.
Then there was a truly astounding argument about the law:
Opponents of policies that prevent transgender athletes from participating in girls’ and women’s sports have said such restrictions will further isolate transgender young people and stigmatize their identities.
They say such policies also fuel public speculation about whether female athletes, transgender or not, look feminine enough to compete in women’s sports.
Again, the concern is not about female athletes and their isolation as they see the awards and goals, they worked so hard to achieve snatched away by men. The arguments about “stigmatization” and “speculation” will become even worse as people realize that men can compete against women. Remember, 80% of the population doesn’t think men should compete in women’s and girls’ sports.
And of course, we wonder how money is the motivation. Money from big Pharma, leftist groups, even some NGO’s.
And we haven’t even talked about the horrific injuries female athletes have suffered while competing against men.
Thankfully, President Trump’s Executive Order to keep men out of women’s sports and the fact that half of the states in the country are banning males from competing in girls and women’s sports will stem the tide for now.
But it is sad to realize that Democrats would rather expose girls to unfair competition than do what is right.
Transgender athletes’ sports ban fails Senate vote
If you wish to contact Senator Alsobrooks and Senator Van Hollen and tell them how wrong they are to vote against the safety and protection of our girls and women, here is their contact info:
CONTACT – Senator Angela Alsobrooks
Email Senator Van Hollen | U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen
Let them know how you feel about their vote against women.
Jan Greenhawk, Author
The post Maryland Senators Loudly Proclaim Themselves Against Protecting Women and Girls’ Sports appeared first on The Easton Gazette.