Delmarva Parent Teacher Coalition
Recent findings from the Network Contagion Research Institute (NCRI) and Rutgers University indicate that some diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) training approaches may cause psychological damage. The research demonstrates a rise in hostility, victimhood, and mindsets aiming to inflict punishment among individuals who participated in DEI training.
Topics that were discussed included race, religion, and social groups. This tends to attribute hostility, as stated by Joel Finkelstein, Chief Science Officer at NCRI. He also stated how DEI initiatives may lead to greater animosity, partiality, and authoritarian actions over time.

“NCRI’s research above showing the perception of racial bias between those exposed to anti-racist education materials like that of Kendi and DiAngelo and that of the control group.” (Courtesy of the National Contagion Research Institute and Rutgers University)
Here’s the full report of the study:
In the years of studying DEI, the Delmarva Parent Teacher Coalition can conclude that DEI and anti-racist initiatives establish stereotypes based on assumptions or opinions that are spun into allegations. In the end, these initiatives use racism to counter assumed racism.
What has happened to the scientific method of hypothesis, theory, and law? Today, we see feelings or opinions peddled as factual law by our politically-compromised liberal institutions.
Fellows & Editors
November 29 2024. DelmarvaPTC.org.
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