September 14, 2024
Nine-point plan to resist Agenda 2030 & the Great Reset
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By Dr. Michael Rectenwald
Agenda 2030 (and the Great Reset plan to bring it about) is a multi-tentacled, many-headed hydra of mythical proportions. This monstrosity is entangling itself with every conceivable area of life. The Great Reset project (and/or Agenda 2030) has already reached into and altered the behavior of nearly every industry, multinational corporation, local and national government, and our personal lives. It harnesses the information technology and biotechnology sectors to establish a stranglehold on the entire world. The minute we cut off one head, another seems to grow in its place.
Thus, it might seem that the Great Reset is a fait accompli. But this is not the case. We can still stop this juggernaut in its tracks—if we act now. Although much water is already under the bridge, the project is still very much underway. The momentum is against us, but we still have time to avert the total disaster that is unfolding and to elude the manifold shackles of this global hegemon.
What can we do? I offer a nine-point plan of specific actions we can take.
Nine-Point Plan for Stopping the Great Reset
- Refuse CBDC (Central Bank Digital currency). This requires using alternate, parallel currency.
- Refuse digital identity. “Inclusion” means totalitarianism.
- Reject Internet of Bodies (IoB) technologies, the installation of devices in your body, the Metaverse, and transhumanist technologies.
- Practice the free market.
- Reduce/eliminate dependence on the state.
- Disengage, as much as possible, from establishment institutions, including most educational institutions.
- Become or remain as entrepreneurial as possible.
- Buy locally, from farmers’ markets, etc.
- Establish parallel economies, currencies, and social networks.
- Consider joining independent communities, such as freedom cells.
- Move assets off-shore. (See Expat Money Summit, below).
- Divest from ESG stocks and electronically traded funds (ETFs) that include ESG-indexed stocks.
- Remove money from ESG-reporting banks and avoid buying insurance from ESG-reporting insurance companies.
- Put extreme pressure on government representatives to do the following:
- protect national sovereignty and individual rights;
- divest and disassociate from the World Economic Forum and all its tentacles;
- withdraw from the UN and the World Health Organization;
- withdraw state and other pensions from ESG-indexed stocks, withdrawing from ESG-investing asset managers such as BlackRock, Inc., State Street, and the Vanguard Group, among many others;
- bring antitrust legislation against ESG investing.
- Encourage the defection of elites from the globalist agenda.
- Identify elites who might oppose the agenda for moral, ethical, or economic reasons and appeal to them by writing emails, letters, and by putting this nine-point plan (included in my book, The Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty) into their hands.
9. Network with like-minded individuals and spread this plan digitally and analogically.
All in all, these steps are part of what I am calling the Grand Refusal. We can take as our inspiration for this Grand Refusal the iconic character of Howard Beale, from the classic Paddy Chayefsky movie, Network.

Although he delivered his message through the television, this newscaster gone rogue encouraged his viewers to turn off their televisions, to thrust open their windows, and to scream, “I’m mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore!” Although his viewers were framed by the rectangular boxes of their windows, which resembled TVs, and thus replicated Beale himself, Beale’s individual and collective viewers nevertheless issued a clarion call—to each other, and to the elites.
Like Beale’s, our Grand Refusal is both individual and collective, although it is not a call for revolution. It is a call to counter-revolution against the revolutionary schemes of the subversive “elites,” who mean to condemn us to total helplessness. These so-called elites have subverted all systems of government, including “our democracy,” and have instituted a worldwide prison for captives subjected to their machinations and the onslaught of perpetual gaslighting in the media.
This is not a drill. We really can’t take it anymore. If we do, we surrender our liberty and that of our descendants. Our Grand Refusal may not be issued in grandiose jeremiads like Beale’s. Nevertheless, we must declare and enact our insubordination. We seek to turn a tragedy-in-the-making into a comedy—that is, in Shakespearean terms, to restore order to the world through a cleansing of extreme wickedness in high places.
This is not a utopian scheme to counter another “utopian” one. We do not seek perfection but rather sanity—although, like Beale, we will surely be called insane. But we must not allow the elites and their minions to deter us with such epithets. We have a world to save.
To elude the CBDC and digital identity, attend the Expat Money Summit, the world’s largest offshore event, taking place entirely online from Oct 7-11. The summit is the work of Mikkel Thorup, host of the Expat Money Show and a highly sought-after expat consultant with over two decades of experience.
Discover why international diversification is a must for those looking to preserve their liberty and wealth.
Headline speakers include Dr. Ron Paul, Doug Casey, Scott Horton, Tom Woods, Marc Faber, and Tom Luongo, as well as dozens of experts in international living and wealth protection. Learn how to quickly acquire a second passport, diversify your finances offshore, invest in international real estate, and get in-depth insights on geopolitics from world-renowned experts.
To reserve your complimentary ticket, head over to the Expat Money Summit.
Yours truly will be discussing digital identity, CBDCs, and 15-minute cities.

Dr. Michael Rectenwald is the author of twelve books including The Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty: Unraveling the Global Agenda. Dr. Rectenwald was a candidate for the nomination for president in the Libertarian Party, and fell just short of winning the nomination in the last round of voting. Dr. Rectenwald is a former professor at NYU and a former fellow at Hillsdale College.
This article was featured on the Easton Gazette