Information from this article was partially sourced from: WHO in our schools – STAND FOR HEALTH FREEDOM
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Most of us have to admit that we knew little of the World Health Organization prior to 2020. We may have heard a vague reference to the WHO when an outbreak of disease occurred in some small country.
We’ve learned a lot about them since then. Covid showed us the WHO as they really are, tyrannical thugs paid off by the pharmaceutical companies to implement authoritarian vaccine mandates and health practices in autonomous countries. Led by a man who is called “doctor” but is NOT a medical doctor and one whose past in Ethiopia is filled with tales of his corruption and tyranny that caused many in the country to needlessly die when he denied the existence of cholera outbreaks, the WHO not only lacks credibility, but trust. Tedros’ denials of cholera in Ethiopia parallel his continuous denials regarding the origins of Covid 19 and his intense desire to control countries while denying them information. and institute forced vaccinations.
Questions surfacing about history of WHO’s director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus – The Globe and Mail
Now as the statistics are revealed regarding the deaths and crippling effects of millions who took the Covid 19 vaccine because the WHO forced countries to administer it to their citizens, the World Health Organization wants a foothold in American schools. And they will do whatever they need to do to accomplish that.
They have teamed up with UNESCO (United Nations Education, Science, and Cultural Organization) in an initiative that will not only change health practices in our public schools, but curriculum also. The group Stand for Health Freedom details this:
The basis for the takeover of American schools is centered in “school-based health centers.” From the WHO/UNESCO literature:

While the statement initially talks about “healthy lifestyles” it moves on to talk about “spiritual and social aspects, especially in a context characterized by an increasing absence of parental support at home.” The last part of this phrase is ironic since the WHO/UNESCO has promoted the idea of children belonging to “the world” and not to the family. This is similar to the ideas promoted in the United States by teachers’ unions, trans activists, etc. In other words, they broke the family and now they want to become the family.
And they also want to control the spirituality and social aspects of a child’s life. Reminds me of Mao’s cultural revolution.
What is frightening for those of us in Maryland is the creation of “Community Schools” in our districts via Maryland’s Blueprint. These schools offer the same kind of school-based health centers as the WHO/UNESCO promotes. And, as we have seen in school activities across the state, they are focusing on “spiritual and social aspects” of children’s lives.
All of this is part of what the WHO/UNESCO calls “sustainable development goal 4” which targets education. This goal has been in place since 2015 but is aiming toward the United National Agenda 2030:
“The U.N. agency UNESCO is focused on turning into actions the educational commitments set by the United Nations ‘2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,’” while our UNESCO Chair on Educational Health and Sustainable Development is… paying particular attention to the SDG3 concerning the promotion of “good health and wellbeing” and SDG4 to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.”5
Here are their goals in a graphic:

As STAND FOR HEALTH FREEDOM noticed, parents and families exist nowhere on this chart.
UNESCO is very clear about their motives. The assert “Education and wellbeing are intertwined dimensions.” Schools are a “natural setting for promoting their health…” and a “strategic social environment” where teachers can influence “global development.” UNESCO researchers state that “health-related contents may be embedded in the school curricula as a core discipline, or could be integrated in a health-carrier discipline such as science, or even delivered as extracurricular programme.”1
If this all seems familiar, it is strongly connected to the concept of SOCIAL EMOTIONAL LEARNING as well as the new trend for medicalization of our children. In other words, indoctrinate the minds and then use the bodies of our children for medical profit and psychological experimentation. I remember some Germans who tried that with human beings before. Now it could be our children. UNESCO describes SEL as “warm blanket of prevention” of “emotional problems” that lead to “social deviations.” SEL is incorporated into the educational standards of 29 states in the United States.
UNESCO uses their sustainable development goals as a breeding ground for a collectivist culture among young people that suppresses the desire to achieve individuality and liberty which, of course, goes against the founding principles of the United States.
Is is possible that these goals are feasible in our country?
With the onset of community schools and school-based health centers, the answer is a resounding “yes.” In 2021, the UN and UNESCO issued guidance on school based health.

With that guidance, the Biden Administration has focused much of its funding to school-based health centers and community school programs. States have followed suit. In Maryland, the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future promotes the establishment of community schools.
Community Schools Aren’t What You Think They Are – Easton Gazette
Community Schools Vs. School Based Health Centers – Easton Gazette
In 1985, there were 31 school-based health centers in the nation. This grew to over 1,000 in the 90’s. In 2020 there were 2500, and in 2023, 3,000. With millions of dollars in federal funding and more on the way, this number can only continue to rise.
You might think this is great. Who wouldn’t want the convenience of a doctor’s office in their kid’s school. Here’s a comment from a doctor in one of these centers in Los Angeles:

There are organizations out there fighting this UNESCO intrusion into the lives and education of our children. Stand for Health Freedom provides information and ideas about how to take action now.
So, are SBHC’s in your child’s school system?
- SBHC services are available at the following schools:
- Easton Elementary School
- Easton Middle School
- Easton High School
- St. Michaels campus (as scheduled)
School Based Locations and Services — Choptank Community Health (
If yes, it doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing, just that you need to pay attention to what is going on with your child.
Jan Greenhawk, Author
Jan Greenhawk is a former teacher and school administrator for over thirty years. She has two grown children and lives with her husband in Maryland. She also spent over twenty-five years coaching/judging gymnastics and coaching women’s softball.