
Town Residents Need To Act NOW To Save This Historic Landmark UPDATE: I will be meeting for an interview with the owner of the Property, David Snyder, on Friday so he can share his ideas for the Robert Morris Inn. We’ll do a follow up to this article on Friday and will include that interview. Built as the River View House in 1710 and an Inn since 1800, Oxford’s Robert Morris Inn is the oldest full-service inn in America. The historic landmark has been considered a treasure in the town, the State of Maryland and the United States. It has…

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Congressman Andy Harris Discusses Unique Solution To Election Problems in North Carolina Ivan Raiklin Addresses Attendees at the Lincoln Reagan Dinner Republican parties across the State host Lincoln Reagan Dinners every year to help fundraise for campaigns. Usually they are attended by local, state and national political figures and a guest speaker is often invited as part of the attraction to the event. Donors pay different amounts to participate. Over 100 were in attendance in the Tabot County Republican Lincoln Reagan Dinner October 24th. Rarely do these dinners provide the excitement that the Talbot County Republican Party event supplied on…

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Over the past year, there have been many arguments against Maryland’s Ballot Question 1 which is being voted on this year as an amendment to the Maryland State Constitution. The question is cleverly named by Progressives as the “Right to Reproductive Freedom” implying that without the amendment, men and women across the state would be denied the right to decide when they want or don’t want to reproduce. Here is how the text would be written in the Maryland Constitution: That every person, as a central component of an individual’s rights to liberty and equality, has the fundamental right to…

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ACCOMACK COUNTY, VA The Accomack County Board of Education made the decision to end the employment of acting superintendent Dr. Rhonda Hall on Wednesday, October 23rd. Information regarding the reasons for Hall’s dismissal remains unknown. A short statement posted on the Accomack County Public Schools’ website on Thursday afternoon indicated that Dr. Hall will receive a severance package totaling $87,280.30. No specific reasons for Hall’s termination were provided in this announcement, and Accomack County Public Schools have not yet shared any updates.

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Maryland Approves New Literacy Policy Focused on Third-Grade Students Maryland State Superintendent Carey Wright provided an overview of the newly adopted literacy policy at the State Board of Education meeting on Tuesday in Baltimore. On Tuesday, the Maryland State Board of Education granted final approval to a contentious literacy policy that allows for retaining third graders who do not meet reading standards, contingent on parental consent. Under this new policy, if parents choose to advance their children to the fourth grade, they must also consent to enroll them in a complimentary reading support program. The implementation of this literacy plan…

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Please Follow us on Gab, Minds, Telegram, Rumble, GETTR, Truth Social, Twitter  UPDATE: Today, the Maryland State Board of Education unanimously voted to adopt policy changes requiring school officials to share certain information from students’ criminal records with one another. The revised policy requires local superintendents to forward information about students charged or convicted of “reportable offenses” — certain serious offenses that happen outside school — to education officials in other school districts when the student transfers between schools. Previously, communication between different school districts was optional. As an emergency policy, it can take effect prior to public comment. Legislative approval is needed for the regulation to take…

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For the 2024 election, Wicomico County has a ballot proposition called Question A. Exactly, what is question A? Most citizens are easily confused on this topic as they don’t really understand how their county government operates. To understand this ballot proposition, you must first understand how the two models of governments differ. The position of County Executive was created by a modification to the county’s charter. As a result, the first County Executive was sworn in on December of 2006 establishing two separate branches. Since then, the County Council serves as the Legislative Branch, and the County Executive serves as the Executive…

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The Democrats of Maryland are super mad. Somehow, the Republicans decided to follow what the Dems have done for years and support school board candidates in the counties. I’ll say one thing for them, Democrats can throw temper tantrums that two-year-olds would be in awe of. They should be good at it. They do so every time the Republicans have mailers, political ads, etc. They fall down, beat their fists and feet into the ground, and cry, ” Oh my gosh I can’t believe those evil Republicans are using campaign mailers during campaign season!” Then they go to the post…

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Please Follow us on Gab, Minds, Telegram, Rumble, GETTR, Truth Social, Twitter  The Democrats of Maryland are super mad. Somehow, the Republicans decided to follow what the Dems have done for years and support school board candidates in the counties. I’ll say one thing for them, Democrats can throw temper tantrums that two-year-olds would be in awe of. They should be good at it. They do so every time the Republicans have mailers, political ads, etc. They fall down, beat their fists and feet into the ground, and cry, ” Oh my gosh I can’t believe those evil Republicans are using campaign mailers during campaign season!” Then…

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by Frank Gunsallus The following article was written by Easton Town Council President Frank Gunsallus on his recent trip to help victims of Hurricane Helene. In the wake of Hurricane Helene, I felt a deep sense of responsibility to step up and offer help to our fellow countrymen in need during such a challenging time. L to R: Me, Danny Buchanan, Chief Dan Stiles, Barc Upchurch Please Follow us on Gab, Minds, Telegram, Rumble, GETTR, Truth Social, Twitter  Perhaps it was the summers I spent in these hills as a child, visiting my grandparents, or the deep connection my family has to this land that stirred something…

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