Author: Easton Gazette

Watch a replay of ALL the SPEAKERS of the Rally HERE! Carroll County Moms for Liberty Chapter Chair Kit Hart Welcomes Jonathan M. Alexandre, Esq. To The Virtual Legislative Rally on Tuesday If anyone can overcome adversity caused by weather, it’s a group of Moms plus dedicated legislators and noted speakers. Tuesday’s plan for the group’s second Legislative Rally at the Maryland State Capitol seemed to be derailed by a large snowstorm which shut down much of the State. That’s not what happened. Organizer Kit Hart, Chapter Chair for the Carroll County Maryland Moms for Liberty along with members of…

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The Wicomico County Board of Education approved $1,275,298.61 in annual portable classroom leases for the 2024-2025 school year. Although portable classrooms should only be needed here or there, this reveals a much larger problem that they’re not telling the taxpaying citizen: “you’re being exploited.” Below you can see the transactions at the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year: In addition, thousands upon thousands of our tax dollars are being put into replacing HVAC systems for these portables that the WCBOE doesn’t even own. They have voted in past meetings to approve such costly replacements to improve someone else’s property.…

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Oxford Commissioner Tom Costigan swearing in Chief Phillips on May 28, 2024 It was a path to the job of Oxford, Maryland Chief of Police that Chris Phillips probably didn’t imagine. His career in Law Enforcement started in 2014 as a road officer and then detective in Cambridge, Maryland. And while he loved being in law enforcement, he felt himself becoming jaded because what he described as a “lack of community support.” The City of Cambridge is no easy place to police with crime that some say rivals large cities. When he saw an opening advertised in the small town…

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The Delmarva Parent Teacher Coalition has been watching the State of Maryland and some local school districts across Delmarva. Their latest political move is to retaliate against the Trump Administration by using a coordinated disinformation campaign to stoke fear across Maryland and the local communities. They’re implying that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) will be raiding schools in SWAT gear and dragging kids away in front of their peers. That’s the furthest from the truth. Maryland State superintendent Dr. Carey Wright posted instructions on the Maryland State Department of Education website that frames a federal witch hunt,…

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If I had to guess about how much the staff at the Maryland State Department of Education had contact with real teachers in real classrooms in real schools, I would have to say “none ” after watching the Tuesday, January 28th joint meeting between MSDE, the Maryland State Board of Education and the Accountability and Implementation Board for Maryland’s Blueprint for the Future. As a retired teacher, I hear from active teachers regularly. They call me to talk about what is going on in their local school system and how things are going in their career. It’s always interesting…

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President Donald J. Trump just signed a slew of executive orders that impacts every school system in Maryland. What we are about to explain applies to all counties across the state. We decided to use Worcester County to serve as an example of what we are about to reveal. Not only do they tout being the best performing school district in the state, they have also implemented several liberal policies and practices that defy common sense. Like most counties across Maryland, they have fostered a school climate centered on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) that has created a hostile…

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In a joint meeting between MSDE and the Accountability and Implementation Board for the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future, the problem of chronic absenteeism in Maryland schools was a topic for discussion. Here is a map showing “chronic absenteeism” in the Maryland Public Schools: The percent of chronic absenteeism runs from 16.8% in Frederick County to 48.7% in Baltimore City. The state average was 30% in 22-23. MSDE reminded everyone that absenteeism is a “lag indicator” which means statistics are generally a year behind. The rest of the discussion among the group centered around the definition of “chronic absenteeism” which is…

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The superintendent of Worcester County Public schools announced his planned resignation date of June 2025 to finish out the school year. The announcement came on January 21, 2025, just a day after the inauguration of President Donald J. Trump. Between the new mandates coming down from the Trump administration and the controversies surrounding the superintendent, a resignation labeled as a retirement seems like an easy way of escape. On the Worcester County Public Schools webpage, his announcement touts his legacy term as being a great success. The superintendent states: “My entire life has been intertwined with this school system since…

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Will and Irina Cawley of Oxford had approval to build their new home on 106 Stewart Street. Until they didn’t. If you live in a small town or are part of a homeowner’s association, you have probably experienced being in front of one of these local, volunteer committees. You want to do something to improve your beloved home, or, better yet, you want to build a new home. You’re all excited to fix your house or experience your dream. You realize you have to get papers, permits, permissions, etc. so you gather all your documents, pay the fees, and get…

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With conservative candidates winning a striking number of school board races along with Trump’s win in 2024, the progressive left is losing its herd mind. Some are striking out at Kamala Harris, others at Joe Biden, and many at the far-left wing of the Democrat party that has been revealed to be glaringly out of touch with most of the country. But, there are stalwarts within the progressive community, organizations with seemingly unlimited funding and zealotry who see the red wave as an opportunity to not only regroup but to redouble their efforts to change things in 2026. Two of…

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